1.02 : changed get_Photoshop_IRB to work with corrupted * resource names which Photoshop can still read * 1.02 -> 1.03 : Fixed put_Photoshop_IRB to output "Photoshop 3.0\x00" * string with every APP13 segment, not just the first one * 1.03 -> 1.10 : changed get_Photoshop_IRB to fix processing of embedded resource names, * after discovering that Photoshop does not process * resource names according to the standard : * "Adobe Photoshop 6.0 File Formats Specification, Version 6.0, Release 2, November 2000" * This is an update to the change 1.00 -> 1.02, which was not fully correct * changed put_Photoshop_IRB to fix the writing of embedded resource name, * to avoid creating blank resources, and to fix a problem * causing the IRB block to be incorrectly positioned if no APP segments existed. * changed get_Photoshop_IPTC to initialise the output array correctly. * 1.10 -> 1.11 : Moved code out of get_Photoshop_IRB into new function unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data * to allow reading of IRB blocks embedded within EXIF (for TIFF Files) * Moved code out of put_Photoshop_IRB into new function pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data * to allow writing of IRB blocks embedded within EXIF (for TIFF Files) * Enabled the usage of $GLOBALS['HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS'] to hide unknown resources * changed Interpret_IRB_to_HTML to allow thumbnail links to work when * toolkit is portable across directories * * * URL: http://electronics.ozhiker.com * * Copyright: Copyright Evan Hunter 2004 * * License: This file is part of the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit. * * The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is free software; you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is distributed in the hope * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit; if not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * If you require a different license for commercial or other * purposes, please contact the author: evan@ozhiker.com * ******************************************************************************/ // Change: as of version 1.11 - added to ensure the HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS variable is set even if EXIF.php is not included if ( !isset( $GLOBALS['HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS'] ) ) $GLOBALS['HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS']= FALSE; include_once 'IPTC.php'; include_once 'Unicode.php'; // TODO: Many Photoshop IRB resources not interpeted // TODO: Obtain a copy of the Photoshop CS File Format Specification // TODO: Find out what Photoshop IRB resources 1061, 1062 & 1064 are // TODO: Test get_Photoshop_IRB and put_Photoshop_IRB with multiple APP13 segments /****************************************************************************** * * Function: get_Photoshop_IRB * * Description: Retrieves the Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB) information * from an App13 JPEG segment and returns it as an array. This may * include IPTC-NAA IIM Information. Uses information * supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data function * * Parameters: jpeg_header_data - a JPEG header data array in the same format * as from get_jpeg_header_data * * Returns: IRBdata - The array of Photoshop IRB records * FALSE - if an APP 13 Photoshop IRB segment could not be found, * or if an error occured * ******************************************************************************/ function get_Photoshop_IRB( $jpeg_header_data ) { // Photoshop Image Resource blocks can span several JPEG APP13 segments, so we need to join them up if there are more than one $joined_IRB = ""; //Cycle through the header segments for( $i = 0; $i < count( $jpeg_header_data ); $i++ ) { // If we find an APP13 header, if ( strcmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegName'], "APP13" ) == 0 ) { // And if it has the photoshop label, if( strncmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], "Photoshop 3.0\x00", 14) == 0 ) { // join it to the other previous IRB data $joined_IRB .= substr ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], 14 ); } } } // If there was some Photoshop IRB information found, if ( $joined_IRB != "" ) { // Found a Photoshop Image Resource Block - extract it. // Change: Moved code into unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data to allow TIFF reading as of 1.11 return unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data( $joined_IRB ); } else { // No Photoshop IRB found return FALSE; } } /****************************************************************************** * End of Function: get_Photoshop_IRB ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Function: put_Photoshop_IRB * * Description: Adds or modifies the Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB) * information from an App13 JPEG segment. If a Photoshop IRB already * exists, it is replaced, otherwise a new one is inserted, using the * supplied data. Uses information supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data * function * * Parameters: jpeg_header_data - a JPEG header data array in the same format * as from get_jpeg_header_data * new_IRB_data - an array of the data to be stored in the Photoshop * IRB segment. Should be in the same format as received * from get_Photoshop_IRB * * Returns: jpeg_header_data - the JPEG header data array with the * Photoshop IRB added. * FALSE - if an error occured * ******************************************************************************/ function put_Photoshop_IRB( $jpeg_header_data, $new_IRB_data ) { // Delete all existing Photoshop IRB blocks - the new one will replace them //Cycle through the header segments for( $i = 0; $i < count( $jpeg_header_data ) ; $i++ ) { // If we find an APP13 header, if ( strcmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegName'], "APP13" ) == 0 ) { // And if it has the photoshop label, if( strncmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], "Photoshop 3.0\x00", 14) == 0 ) { // Delete the block information - it needs to be rebuilt array_splice( $jpeg_header_data, $i, 1 ); } } } // Now we have deleted the pre-existing blocks // Retrieve the Packed Photoshop IRB Data // Change: Moved code into pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data to allow TIFF writing as of 1.11 $packed_IRB_data = pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data( $new_IRB_data ); // Change : This section changed to fix incorrect positioning of IRB segment, as of revision 1.10 // when there are no APP segments present //Cycle through the header segments in reverse order (to find where to put the APP13 block - after any APP0 to APP12 blocks) $i = count( $jpeg_header_data ) - 1; while (( $i >= 0 ) && ( ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegType'] > 0xED ) || ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegType'] < 0xE0 ) ) ) { $i--; } // Cycle through the packed output data until it's size is less than 32000 bytes, outputting each 32000 byte block to an APP13 segment while ( strlen( $packed_IRB_data ) > 32000 ) { // Change: Fixed put_Photoshop_IRB to output "Photoshop 3.0\x00" string with every APP13 segment, not just the first one, as of 1.03 // Write a 32000 byte APP13 segment array_splice($jpeg_header_data, $i +1 , 0, array( "SegType" => 0xED, "SegName" => "APP13", "SegDesc" => $GLOBALS[ "JPEG_Segment_Descriptions" ][ 0xED ], "SegData" => "Photoshop 3.0\x00" . substr( $packed_IRB_data,0,32000) ) ); // Delete the 32000 bytes from the packed output data, that were just output $packed_IRB_data = substr_replace($packed_IRB_data, '', 0, 32000); $i++; } // Write the last block of packed output data to an APP13 segment - Note array_splice doesn't work with multidimensional arrays, hence inserting a blank string array_splice($jpeg_header_data, $i + 1 , 0, "" ); $jpeg_header_data[$i + 1] = array( "SegType" => 0xED, "SegName" => "APP13", "SegDesc" => $GLOBALS[ "JPEG_Segment_Descriptions" ][ 0xED ], "SegData" => "Photoshop 3.0\x00" . $packed_IRB_data ); return $jpeg_header_data; } /****************************************************************************** * End of Function: put_Photoshop_IRB ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Function: get_Photoshop_IPTC * * Description: Retrieves IPTC-NAA IIM information from within a Photoshop * IRB (if it is present) and returns it in an array. Uses * information supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data function * * Parameters: Photoshop_IRB_data - an array of Photoshop IRB records, as * returned from get_Photoshop_IRB * * Returns: IPTC_Data_Out - The array of IPTC-NAA IIM records * FALSE - if an IPTC-NAA IIM record could not be found, or if * an error occured * ******************************************************************************/ function get_Photoshop_IPTC( $Photoshop_IRB_data ) { // Change: Initialise array correctly, as of revision 1.10 $IPTC_Data_Out = array(); //Cycle through the Photoshop 8BIM records looking for the IPTC-NAA record for( $i = 0; $i < count( $Photoshop_IRB_data ); $i++ ) { // Check if each record is a IPTC record (which has id 0x0404) if ( $Photoshop_IRB_data[$i]['ResID'] == 0x0404 ) { // We've found an IPTC block - Decode it $IPTC_Data_Out = get_IPTC( $Photoshop_IRB_data[$i]['ResData'] ); } } // If there was no records put into the output array, if ( count( $IPTC_Data_Out ) == 0 ) { // Then return false return FALSE; } else { // Otherwise return the array return $IPTC_Data_Out; } } /****************************************************************************** * End of Function: get_Photoshop_IPTC ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Function: put_Photoshop_IPTC * * Description: Inserts a new IPTC-NAA IIM resource into a Photoshop * IRB, or replaces an the existing resource if one is present. * Uses information supplied by the get_Photoshop_IRB function * * Parameters: Photoshop_IRB_data - an array of Photoshop IRB records, as * returned from get_Photoshop_IRB, into * which the IPTC-NAA IIM record will be inserted * new_IPTC_block - an array of IPTC-NAA records in the same format * as those returned by get_Photoshop_IPTC * * Returns: Photoshop_IRB_data - The Photoshop IRB array with the * IPTC-NAA IIM resource inserted * ******************************************************************************/ function put_Photoshop_IPTC( $Photoshop_IRB_data, $new_IPTC_block ) { $iptc_block_pos = -1; //Cycle through the 8BIM records looking for the IPTC-NAA record for( $i = 0; $i < count( $Photoshop_IRB_data ); $i++ ) { // Check if each record is a IPTC record (which has id 0x0404) if ( $Photoshop_IRB_data[$i]['ResID'] == 0x0404 ) { // We've found an IPTC block - save the position $iptc_block_pos = $i; } } // If no IPTC block was found, create a new one if ( $iptc_block_pos == -1 ) { // New block position will be at the end of the array $iptc_block_pos = count( $Photoshop_IRB_data ); } // Write the new IRB resource to the Photoshop IRB array with no data $Photoshop_IRB_data[$iptc_block_pos] = array( "ResID" => 0x0404, "ResName" => $GLOBALS['Photoshop_ID_Names'][ 0x0404 ], "ResDesc" => $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Descriptions" ][ 0x0404 ], "ResEmbeddedName" => "\x00\x00", "ResData" => put_IPTC( $new_IPTC_block ) ); // Return the modified IRB return $Photoshop_IRB_data; } /****************************************************************************** * End of Function: put_Photoshop_IPTC ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Function: Interpret_IRB_to_HTML * * Description: Generates html showing the information contained in a Photoshop * IRB data array, as retrieved with get_Photoshop_IRB, including * any IPTC-NAA IIM records found. * * Please note that the following resource numbers are not currently * decoded: ( Many of these do not apply to JPEG images) * 0x03E9, 0x03EE, 0x03EF, 0x03F0, 0x03F1, 0x03F2, 0x03F6, 0x03F9, * 0x03FA, 0x03FB, 0x03FD, 0x03FE, 0x0400, 0x0401, 0x0402, 0x0405, * 0x040E, 0x040F, 0x0410, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, * 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x0BB7 * * ( Also these Obsolete resource numbers) * 0x03E8, 0x03EB, 0x03FC, 0x03FF, 0x0403 * * * Parameters: IRB_array - a Photoshop IRB data array as from get_Photoshop_IRB * filename - the name of the JPEG file being processed ( used * by the script which displays the Photoshop thumbnail) * * * Returns: output_str - the HTML string * ******************************************************************************/ function Interpret_IRB_to_HTML( $IRB_array, $filename ) { // Create a string to receive the HTML $output_str = ""; // Check if the Photoshop IRB array is valid if ( $IRB_array !== FALSE ) { // Create another string to receive secondary HTML to be appended at the end $secondary_output_str = ""; // Add the Heading to the HTML $output_str .= "

Contains Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB)

"; // Add Table to the HTML $output_str .= "\n"; // Cycle through each of the Photoshop IRB records, creating HTML for each foreach( $IRB_array as $IRB_Resource ) { // Check if the entry is a known Photoshop IRB resource // Get the Name of the Resource if ( array_key_exists( $IRB_Resource['ResID'], $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Names" ] ) ) { $Resource_Name = $GLOBALS['Photoshop_ID_Names'][ $IRB_Resource['ResID'] ]; } else { // Change: Added check for $GLOBALS['HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS'] to allow hiding of unknown resources as of 1.11 if ( $GLOBALS['HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS'] == TRUE ) { continue; } else { // Unknown Resource - Make appropriate name $Resource_Name = "Unknown Resource (". $IRB_Resource['ResID'] .")"; } } // Add HTML for the resource as appropriate switch ( $IRB_Resource['ResID'] ) { case 0x0404 : // IPTC-NAA IIM Record $secondary_output_str .= Interpret_IPTC_to_HTML( get_IPTC( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ); break; case 0x040B : // URL $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x040A : // Copyright Marked if ( hexdec( bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ) == 1 ) { $output_str .= "\n"; } else { $output_str .= "\n"; } break; case 0x040D : // Global Lighting Angle $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x0419 : // Global Altitude $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x0421 : // Version Info $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x0411 : // ICC Untagged if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] == "\x01" ) { $output_str .= "\n"; } else { $output_str .= "\n"; } break; case 0x041A : // Slices $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x0408 : // Grid and Guides information $output_str .= "\n"; case 0x0406 : // JPEG Quality $Qual_Info = unpack("nQuality/nFormat/nScans/Cconst", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ); $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x0409 : // Thumbnail Resource case 0x040C : // Thumbnail Resource $thumb_data = unpack("NFormat/NWidth/NHeight/NWidthBytes/NSize/NCompressedSize/nBitsPixel/nPlanes", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ); $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x0414 : // Document Specific ID's $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x041E : // URL List $URL_count = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 4 ) ) ); $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x03F4 : // Grayscale and multichannel halftoning information. $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x03F5 : // Color halftoning information $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x03F7 : // Grayscale and multichannel transfer function. $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x03F8 : // Color transfer functions $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x03F3 : // Print Flags $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x2710 : // Print Flags Information $PrintFlags = unpack( "nVersion/CCentCrop/Cjunk/NBleedWidth/nBleedWidthScale", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ); $output_str .= "\n"; break; case 0x03ED : // Resolution Info $ResInfo = unpack( "nhRes_int/nhResdec/nhResUnit/nwidthUnit/nvRes_int/nvResdec/nvResUnit/nheightUnit", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ); $output_str .= "\n"; break; default : // All other records $output_str .= "\n"; } } // Add the table end to the HTML $output_str .= "
$Resource_Name" . htmlentities( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ."
Image is Copyrighted Material
Image is Not Copyrighted Material
Global lighting angle for effects layer = " . hexdec( bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ) . " degrees
Global Altitude = " . hexdec( bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ) . "
                                        $output_str .= "Version = " . hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 4 ) ) ) . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Has Real Merged Data = " . ord( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{4} ) . "\n";
                                        $writer_size = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 5, 4 ) ) ) * 2;

                                        $output_str .= "Writer Name = " . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 9, $writer_size ), TRUE ) . "\n";
                                        $reader_size = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 9 + $writer_size , 4 ) ) ) * 2;
                                        $output_str .= "Reader Name = " . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 13 + $writer_size, $reader_size ), TRUE ) . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "File Version = " . hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 13 + $writer_size + $reader_size, 4 ) ) ) . "\n";
                                        $output_str .=  "
Intentionally untagged - any assumed ICC profile handling disabled
Unknown value (0x" .bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ). ")
$Resource_Name"; // Unpack the first 24 bytes $Slices_Info = unpack("NVersion/NBound_top/NBound_left/NBound_bottom/NBound_right/NStringlen", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ); $output_str .= "Version = " . $Slices_Info['Version'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Bounding Rectangle = Top:" . $Slices_Info['Bound_top'] . ", Left:" . $Slices_Info['Bound_left'] . ", Bottom:" . $Slices_Info['Bound_bottom'] . ", Right:" . $Slices_Info['Bound_right'] . " (Pixels)
\n"; $Slicepos = 24; // Extract a Unicode String $output_str .= "Text = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 24, $Slices_Info['Stringlen']*2), TRUE ) . "'
\n"; $Slicepos += $Slices_Info['Stringlen'] * 2; // Unpack the number of Slices $Num_Slices = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) ); $output_str .= "Number of Slices = " . $Num_Slices . "\n"; $Slicepos += 4; // Cycle through the slices for( $i = 1; $i <= $Num_Slices; $i++ ) { $output_str .= "

Slice $i:
\n"; // Unpack the first 16 bytes of the slice $SliceA = unpack("NID/NGroupID/NOrigin/NStringlen", substr($IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos ) ); $Slicepos += 16; $output_str .= "ID = " . $SliceA['ID'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Group ID = " . $SliceA['GroupID'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Origin = " . $SliceA['Origin'] . "
\n"; // Extract a Unicode String $output_str .= "Text = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $SliceA['Stringlen']*2), TRUE ) . "'
\n"; $Slicepos += $SliceA['Stringlen'] * 2; // Unpack the next 24 bytes of the slice $SliceB = unpack("NType/NLeftPos/NTopPos/NRightPos/NBottomPos/NURLlen", substr($IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos ) ); $Slicepos += 24; $output_str .= "Type = " . $SliceB['Type'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Position = Top:" . $SliceB['TopPos'] . ", Left:" . $SliceB['LeftPos'] . ", Bottom:" . $SliceB['BottomPos'] . ", Right:" . $SliceB['RightPos'] . " (Pixels)
\n"; // Extract a Unicode String $output_str .= "URL = " . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $SliceB['URLlen']*2), TRUE ) . "
\n"; $Slicepos += $SliceB['URLlen'] * 2; // Unpack the length of a Unicode String $Targetlen = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) ); $Slicepos += 4; // Extract a Unicode String $output_str .= "Target = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $Targetlen*2), TRUE ) . "'
\n"; $Slicepos += $Targetlen * 2; // Unpack the length of a Unicode String $Messagelen = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) ); $Slicepos += 4; // Extract a Unicode String $output_str .= "Message = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $Messagelen*2), TRUE ) . "'
\n"; $Slicepos += $Messagelen * 2; // Unpack the length of a Unicode String $AltTaglen = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) ); $Slicepos += 4; // Extract a Unicode String $output_str .= "Alt Tag = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $AltTaglen*2), TRUE ) . "'
\n"; $Slicepos += $AltTaglen * 2; // Unpack the HTML flag if ( ord( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{ $Slicepos } ) === 0x01 ) { $output_str .= "Cell Text is HTML
\n"; } else { $output_str .= "Cell Text is NOT HTML
\n"; } $Slicepos++; // Unpack the length of a Unicode String $CellTextlen = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) ); $Slicepos += 4; // Extract a Unicode String $output_str .= "Cell Text = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $CellTextlen*2), TRUE ) . "'
\n"; $Slicepos += $CellTextlen * 2; // Unpack the last 12 bytes of the slice $SliceC = unpack("NAlignH/NAlignV/CAlpha/CRed/CGreen/CBlue", substr($IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos ) ); $Slicepos += 12; $output_str .= "Alignment = Horizontal:" . $SliceC['AlignH'] . ", Vertical:" . $SliceC['AlignV'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Alpha Colour = " . $SliceC['Alpha'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Red = " . $SliceC['Red'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Green = " . $SliceC['Green'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Blue = " . $SliceC['Blue'] . "\n"; } $output_str .= "
$Resource_Name"; // Unpack the Grids info $Grid_Info = unpack("NVersion/NGridCycleH/NGridCycleV/NGuideCount", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ); $output_str .= "Version = " . $Grid_Info['Version'] . "
\n"; $output_str .= "Grid Cycle = " . $Grid_Info['GridCycleH']/32 . " Pixel(s) x " . $Grid_Info['GridCycleV']/32 . " Pixel(s)
\n"; $output_str .= "Number of Guides = " . $Grid_Info['GuideCount'] . "\n"; // Cycle through the Guides for( $i = 0; $i < $Grid_Info['GuideCount']; $i++ ) { // Unpack the info for this guide $Guide_Info = unpack("NLocation/CDirection", substr($IRB_Resource['ResData'],16+$i*5,5) ); $output_str .= "
Guide $i : Location = " . $Guide_Info['Location']/32 . " Pixel(s) from edge"; if ( $Guide_Info['Direction'] === 0 ) { $output_str .= ", Vertical\n"; } else { $output_str .= ", Horizontal\n"; } } break; $output_str .= "
$Resource_Name"; switch ( $Qual_Info['Quality'] ) { case 0xFFFD: $output_str .= "Quality 1 (Low)
\n"; break; case 0xFFFE: $output_str .= "Quality 2 (Low)
\n"; break; case 0xFFFF: $output_str .= "Quality 3 (Low)
\n"; break; case 0x0000: $output_str .= "Quality 4 (Low)
\n"; break; case 0x0001: $output_str .= "Quality 5 (Medium)
\n"; break; case 0x0002: $output_str .= "Quality 6 (Medium)
\n"; break; case 0x0003: $output_str .= "Quality 7 (Medium)
\n"; break; case 0x0004: $output_str .= "Quality 8 (High)
\n"; break; case 0x0005: $output_str .= "Quality 9 (High)
\n"; break; case 0x0006: $output_str .= "Quality 10 (Maximum)
\n"; break; case 0x0007: $output_str .= "Quality 11 (Maximum)
\n"; break; case 0x0008: $output_str .= "Quality 12 (Maximum)
\n"; break; default: $output_str .= "Unknown Quality (" . $Qual_Info['Quality'] . ")
\n"; break; } switch ( $Qual_Info['Format'] ) { case 0x0000: $output_str .= "Standard Format\n"; break; case 0x0001: $output_str .= "Optimised Format\n"; break; case 0x0101: $output_str .= "Progressive Format
\n"; break; default: $output_str .= "Unknown Format (" . $Qual_Info['Format'] .")\n"; break; } if ( $Qual_Info['Format'] == 0x0101 ) { switch ( $Qual_Info['Scans'] ) { case 0x0001: $output_str .= "3 Scans\n"; break; case 0x0002: $output_str .= "4 Scans\n"; break; case 0x0003: $output_str .= "5 Scans\n"; break; default: $output_str .= "Unknown number of scans (" . $Qual_Info['Scans'] .")\n"; break; } } $output_str .= "
                                        $output_str .= "Format = " . (( $thumb_data['Format'] == 1 ) ? "JPEG RGB\n" :  "Raw RGB\n");
                                        $output_str .= "Width = " . $thumb_data['Width'] . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Height = " . $thumb_data['Height'] . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Padded Row Bytes = " . $thumb_data['WidthBytes'] . " bytes\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Total Size = " . $thumb_data['Size'] . " bytes\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Compressed Size = " . $thumb_data['CompressedSize'] . " bytes\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Bits per Pixel = " . $thumb_data['BitsPixel'] . " bits\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Number of planes = " . $thumb_data['Planes'] . " bytes\n";

                                        // Change: as of version 1.11 - Changed to make thumbnail link portable across directories
                                        // Build the path of the thumbnail script and its filename parameter to put in a url
                                        $link_str = get_relative_path( dirname(__FILE__) . "/get_ps_thumb.php" , getcwd ( ) );
                                        $link_str .= "?filename=";
                                        $link_str .= get_relative_path( $filename, dirname(__FILE__) );

                                        // Add thumbnail link to html
                                        $output_str .= "Thumbnail Data:
\n"; $output_str .= "
" . hexdec( bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ) . "
$Resource_Name\n"; $output_str .= "$URL_count URL's in list
\n"; $urlstr = substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 4 ); // TODO: Check if URL List in Photoshop IRB works for( $i = 0; $i < $URL_count; $i++ ) { $url_data = unpack( "NLong/NID/NURLSize", $urlstr ); $output_str .= "URL $i info: long = " . $url_data['Long'] .", "; $output_str .= "ID = " . $url_data['ID'] . ", "; $urlstr = substr( $urlstr, 12 ); $url = substr( $urlstr, 0, $url_data['URLSize'] ); $output_str .= "URL = " . HTML_UTF16_Escape( $url, TRUE ) . "
\n"; } $output_str .= "
                                        $output_str .= Interpret_Halftone( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] );
                                        $output_str .= "
                                        $output_str .= "Cyan Halftoning Info:\n" . Interpret_Halftone( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 18 ) ) . "\n\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Magenta Halftoning Info:\n" . Interpret_Halftone( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 18, 18 ) ) . "\n\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Yellow Halftoning Info:\n" . Interpret_Halftone( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 36, 18 ) ) . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Black Halftoning Info:\n" . Interpret_Halftone( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 54, 18 ) ) . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "
                                        $output_str .= Interpret_Transfer_Function( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 28 ) ) ;
                                        $output_str .= "
                                        $output_str .= "Red Transfer Function:   \n" . Interpret_Transfer_Function( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 28 ) ) . "\n\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Green Transfer Function: \n" . Interpret_Transfer_Function( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 28, 28 ) ) . "\n\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Blue Transfer Function:  \n" . Interpret_Transfer_Function( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 56, 28 ) ) . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "
                                        if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{0} == "\x01" )
                                                $output_str .= "Labels Selected\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Labels Not Selected\n";
                                        if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{1} == "\x01" )
                                                $output_str .= "Crop Marks Selected\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Crop Marks Not Selected\n";
                                        if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{2} == "\x01" )
                                                $output_str .= "Color Bars Selected\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Color Bars Not Selected\n";
                                        if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{3} == "\x01" )
                                                $output_str .= "Registration Marks Selected\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Registration Marks Not Selected\n";
                                        if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{4} == "\x01" )
                                                $output_str .= "Negative Selected\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Negative Not Selected\n";
                                        if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{5} == "\x01" )
                                                $output_str .= "Flip Selected\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Flip Not Selected\n";
                                        if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{6} == "\x01" )
                                                $output_str .= "Interpolate Selected\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Interpolate Not Selected\n";
                                        if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{7} == "\x01" )
                                                $output_str .= "Caption Selected";
                                                $output_str .= "Caption Not Selected";
                                        $output_str .= "
                                        $output_str .= "Version = " . $PrintFlags['Version'] . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Centre Crop Marks = " . $PrintFlags['CentCrop'] . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Bleed Width = " . $PrintFlags['BleedWidth'] . "\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Bleed Width Scale = " . $PrintFlags['BleedWidthScale'];
                                        $output_str .= "
                                        $output_str .= "Horizontal Resolution = " . ($ResInfo['hRes_int'] + $ResInfo['hResdec']/65536) . " pixels per Inch\n";
                                        $output_str .= "Vertical Resolution = " . ($ResInfo['vRes_int'] + $ResInfo['vResdec']/65536) . " pixels per Inch\n";
                                        if ( $ResInfo['hResUnit'] == 1 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Horizontal Resolution = Pixels per Inch\n";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['hResUnit'] == 2 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Horizontal Resolution = Pixels per Centimetre\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Horizontal Resolution = Unknown Value (". $ResInfo['hResUnit'] .")\n";

                                        if ( $ResInfo['vResUnit'] == 1 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Vertical Resolution = Pixels per Inch\n";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['vResUnit'] == 2 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Vertical Resolution = Pixels per Centimetre\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Vertical Resolution = Unknown Value (". $ResInfo['vResUnit'] .")\n";

                                        if ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 1 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Inches\n";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 2 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Centimetres\n";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 3 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Points\n";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 4 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Picas\n";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 5 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Columns\n";
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Unknown Value (". $ResInfo['widthUnit'] .")\n";

                                        if ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 1 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Inches";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 2 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Centimetres";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 3 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Points";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 4 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Picas";
                                        elseif ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 5 )
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Columns";
                                                $output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Unknown Value (". $ResInfo['heightUnit'] .")";
                                        $output_str .= "
" . strlen( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) . " bytes
\n"; // Add any secondary output to the HTML $output_str .= $secondary_output_str; } // Return the HTML return $output_str; } /****************************************************************************** * End of Function: Interpret_IRB_to_HTML ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS * ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Function: unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data * * Description: Extracts Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB) information * from a binary string containing the IRB, as read from a file * * Parameters: IRB_Data - The binary string containing the IRB * * Returns: IRBdata - The array of Photoshop IRB records * ******************************************************************************/ function unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data( $IRB_Data ) { $pos = 0; // Cycle through the IRB and extract its records - Records are started with 8BIM, so cycle until no more instances of 8BIM can be found while ( ( $pos < strlen( $IRB_Data ) ) && ( ($pos = strpos( $IRB_Data, "8BIM", $pos) ) !== FALSE ) ) { // Skip the position over the 8BIM characters $pos += 4; // Next two characters are the record ID - denoting what type of record it is. $ID = ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos } ) * 256 + ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos +1 } ); // Skip the positionover the two record ID characters $pos += 2; // Next comes a Record Name - usually not used, but it should be a null terminated string, padded with 0x00 to be an even length $namestartpos = $pos; // Change: Fixed processing of embedded resource names, as of revision 1.10 // NOTE: Photoshop does not process resource names according to the standard : // "Adobe Photoshop 6.0 File Formats Specification, Version 6.0, Release 2, November 2000" // // The resource name is actually formatted as follows: // One byte name length, followed by the null terminated ascii name string. // The field is then padded with a Null character if required, to ensure that the // total length of the name length and name is even. // Name - process it // Get the length $namelen = ord ( $IRB_Data{ $namestartpos } ); // Total length of name and length info must be even, hence name length must be odd // Check if the name length is even, if ( $namelen % 2 == 0 ) { // add one to length to make it odd $namelen ++; } // Extract the name $resembeddedname = trim( substr ( $IRB_Data, $namestartpos+1, $namelen) ); $pos += $namelen + 1; // Next is a four byte size field indicating the size in bytes of the record's data - MSB first $datasize = ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos } ) * 16777216 + ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos + 1 } ) * 65536 + ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos + 2 } ) * 256 + ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos + 3 } ); $pos += 4; // The record is stored padded with 0x00 characters to make the size even, so we need to calculate the stored size $storedsize = $datasize + ($datasize % 2); $resdata = substr ( $IRB_Data, $pos, $datasize ); // Get the description for this resource // Check if this is a Path information Resource, since they have a range of ID's if ( ( $ID >= 0x07D0 ) && ( $ID <= 0x0BB6 ) ) { $ResDesc = "ID Info : Path Information (saved paths)."; } else { if ( array_key_exists( $ID, $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Descriptions" ] ) ) { $ResDesc = $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Descriptions" ][ $ID ]; } else { $ResDesc = ""; } } // Get the Name of the Resource if ( array_key_exists( $ID, $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Names" ] ) ) { $ResName = $GLOBALS['Photoshop_ID_Names'][ $ID ]; } else { $ResName = ""; } // Store the Resource in the array to be returned $IRB_Array[] = array( "ResID" => $ID, "ResName" => $ResName, "ResDesc" => $ResDesc, "ResEmbeddedName" => $resembeddedname, "ResData" => $resdata ); // Jump over the data to the next record $pos += $storedsize; } // Return the array created return $IRB_Array; } /****************************************************************************** * End of Function: unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Function: pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data * * Description: Packs a Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB) array into it's * binary form, which can be written to a file * * Parameters: IRB_data - an Photoshop IRB array to be converted. Should be in * the same format as received from get_Photoshop_IRB * * Returns: packed_IRB_data - the binary string of packed IRB data * ******************************************************************************/ function pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data( $IRB_data ) { $packed_IRB_data = ""; // Cycle through each resource in the IRB, foreach ($IRB_data as $resource) { // Change: Fix to avoid creating blank resources, as of revision 1.10 // Check if there is actually any data for this resource if( strlen( $resource['ResData'] ) == 0 ) { // No data for resource - skip it continue; } // Append the 8BIM tag, and resource ID to the packed output data $packed_IRB_data .= pack("a4n", "8BIM", $resource['ResID'] ); // Change: Fixed processing of embedded resource names, as of revision 1.10 // NOTE: Photoshop does not process resource names according to the standard : // "Adobe Photoshop 6.0 File Formats Specification, Version 6.0, Release 2, November 2000" // // The resource name is actually formatted as follows: // One byte name length, followed by the null terminated ascii name string. // The field is then padded with a Null character if required, to ensure that the // total length of the name length and name is even. // Append Name Size $packed_IRB_data .= pack( "c", strlen(trim($resource['ResEmbeddedName']))); // Append the Resource Name to the packed output data $packed_IRB_data .= trim($resource['ResEmbeddedName']); // If the resource name is even length, then with the addition of // the size it becomes odd and needs to be padded to an even number if ( strlen( trim($resource['ResEmbeddedName']) ) % 2 == 0 ) { // then it needs to be evened up by appending another null $packed_IRB_data .= "\x00"; } // Append the resource data size to the packed output data $packed_IRB_data .= pack("N", strlen( $resource['ResData'] ) ); // Append the resource data to the packed output data $packed_IRB_data .= $resource['ResData']; // If the resource data is odd length, if ( strlen( $resource['ResData'] ) % 2 == 1 ) { // then it needs to be evened up by appending another null $packed_IRB_data .= "\x00"; } } // Return the packed data string return $packed_IRB_data; } /****************************************************************************** * End of Function: pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Internal Function: Interpret_Transfer_Function * * Description: Used by Interpret_IRB_to_HTML to interpret Color transfer functions * for Photoshop IRB resource 0x03F8. Converts the transfer function * information to a human readable version. * * Parameters: Transfer_Function_Binary - a 28 byte Ink curves structure string * * Returns: output_str - the text string containing the transfer function * information * ******************************************************************************/ function Interpret_Transfer_Function( $Transfer_Function_Binary ) { // Unpack the Transfer function information $Trans_vals = unpack ( "n13Curve/nOverride", $Transfer_Function_Binary ); $output_str = "Transfer Function Points: "; // Cycle through each of the Transfer function array values foreach ( $Trans_vals as $Key => $val ) { // Check if the value should be negative if ($val > 32768 ) { // Value should be negative - make it so $val = $val - 65536; } // Check that the Override item is not getting in this list, and // that the value is not -1, which means ignored if ( ( $Key != "Override" ) && ( $val != -1 ) ) { // This is a valid transfer function point, output it $output_str .= $val/10 . "%, "; } } // Output the override info if ( $Trans_vals['Override'] == 0 ) { $output_str .= "\nOverride: Let printer supply curve"; } else { $output_str .= "\nOverride: Override printer’s default transfer curve"; } // Return the result return $output_str; } /****************************************************************************** * End of Function: Interpret_Transfer_Function ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Internal Function: Interpret_Halftone * * Description: Used by Interpret_IRB_to_HTML to interpret Color halftoning information * for Photoshop IRB resource 0x03F5. Converts the halftoning info * to a human readable version. * * Parameters: Transfer_Function_Binary - a 18 byte Halftone screen parameter & structure string * * Returns: output_str - the text string containing the transfer function * information * ******************************************************************************/ function Interpret_Halftone( $Halftone_Binary ) { // Create a string to receive the output $output_str = ""; // Unpack the binary data into an array $HalftoneInfo = unpack( "nFreqVal_int/nFreqVal_dec/nFreqScale/nAngle_int/nAngle_dec/nShapeCode/NMisc/CAccurate/CDefault", $Halftone_Binary ); // Interpret Ink Screen Frequency $output_str .= "Ink Screen Frequency = " . ($HalftoneInfo['FreqVal_int'] + $HalftoneInfo['FreqVal_dec']/65536) . " lines per Inch\n"; if ( $HalftoneInfo['FreqScale'] == 1 ) { $output_str .= "Display units for Ink Screen Frequency = Inches\n"; } else { $output_str .= "Display units for Ink Screen Frequency = Centimetres\n"; } // Interpret Angle for screen $output_str .= "Angle for screen = " . ($HalftoneInfo['Angle_int'] + $HalftoneInfo['Angle_dec']/65536) . " degrees\n"; // Interpret Shape of Halftone Dots if ($HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] > 32768 ) { $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] = $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] - 65536; } if ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 0 ) { $output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Round\n"; } elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 1 ) { $output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Ellipse\n"; } elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 2 ) { $output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Line\n"; } elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 3 ) { $output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Square\n"; } elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 4 ) { $output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Cross\n"; } elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 6 ) { $output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Diamond\n"; } else { $output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Unknown shape (" . $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] . ")\n"; } // Interpret Accurate Screens if ( $HalftoneInfo['Accurate'] == 1 ) { $output_str .= "Use Accurate Screens Selected\n"; } else { $output_str .= "Use Other (not Accurate) Screens Selected\n"; } // Interpret Printer Default Screens if ( $HalftoneInfo['Default'] == 1 ) { $output_str .= "Use printer’s default screens\n"; } else { $output_str .= "Use Other (not Printer Default) Screens Selected\n"; } // Return Text return $output_str; } /****************************************************************************** * End of Global Variable: Interpret_Halftone ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Global Variable: Photoshop_ID_Names * * Contents: The Names of the Photoshop IRB resources, indexed by their * resource number * ******************************************************************************/ $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Names" ] = array( 0x03E8 => "Number of channels, rows, columns, depth, and mode. (Obsolete)", 0x03E9 => "Macintosh print manager info ", 0x03EB => "Indexed color table (Obsolete)", 0x03ED => "Resolution Info", 0x03EE => "Alpha Channel Names", 0x03EF => "Display Info", 0x03F0 => "Caption String", 0x03F1 => "Border information", 0x03F2 => "Background color", 0x03F3 => "Print flags", 0x03F4 => "Grayscale and multichannel halftoning information", 0x03F5 => "Color halftoning information", 0x03F6 => "Duotone halftoning information", 0x03F7 => "Grayscale and multichannel transfer function", 0x03F8 => "Color transfer functions", 0x03F9 => "Duotone transfer functions", 0x03FA => "Duotone image information", 0x03FB => "Black and white values", 0x03FC => "Obsolete Resource.", 0x03FD => "EPS options", 0x03FE => "Quick Mask information", 0x03FF => "Obsolete Resource", 0x0400 => "Layer state information", 0x0401 => "Working path (not saved)", 0x0402 => "Layers group information", 0x0403 => "Obsolete Resource", 0x0404 => "IPTC-NAA record", 0x0405 => "Raw Format Image mode", 0x0406 => "JPEG quality", 0x0408 => "Grid and guides information", 0x0409 => "Thumbnail resource", 0x040A => "Copyright flag", 0x040B => "URL", 0x040C => "Thumbnail resource", 0x040D => "Global Angle", 0x040E => "Color samplers resource", 0x040F => "ICC Profile", 0x0410 => "Watermark", 0x0411 => "ICC Untagged", 0x0412 => "Effects visible", 0x0413 => "Spot Halftone", 0x0414 => "Document Specific IDs", 0x0415 => "Unicode Alpha Names", 0x0416 => "Indexed Color Table Count", 0x0417 => "Tansparent Index. Index of transparent color, if any.", 0x0419 => "Global Altitude", 0x041A => "Slices", 0x041B => "Workflow URL", 0x041C => "Jump To XPEP", 0x041D => "Alpha Identifiers", 0x041E => "URL List", 0x0421 => "Version Info", 0x0BB7 => "Name of clipping path.", 0x2710 => "Print flags information" ); /****************************************************************************** * End of Global Variable: Photoshop_ID_Names ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Global Variable: Photoshop_ID_Descriptions * * Contents: The Descriptions of the Photoshop IRB resources, indexed by their * resource number * ******************************************************************************/ $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Descriptions" ] = array( 0x03E8 => "Obsolete—Photoshop 2.0 only. number of channels, rows, columns, depth, and mode.", 0x03E9 => "Optional. Macintosh print manager print info record.", 0x03EB => "Obsolete—Photoshop 2.0 only. Contains the indexed color table.", 0x03ED => "ResolutionInfo structure. See Appendix A in Photoshop SDK Guide.pdf", 0x03EE => "Names of the alpha channels as a series of Pascal strings.", 0x03EF => "DisplayInfo structure. See Appendix A in Photoshop SDK Guide.pdf", 0x03F0 => "Optional. The caption as a Pascal string.", 0x03F1 => "Border information. border width, border units", 0x03F2 => "Background color.", 0x03F3 => "Print flags. labels, crop marks, color bars, registration marks, negative, flip, interpolate, caption.", 0x03F4 => "Grayscale and multichannel halftoning information.", 0x03F5 => "Color halftoning information.", 0x03F6 => "Duotone halftoning information.", 0x03F7 => "Grayscale and multichannel transfer function.", 0x03F8 => "Color transfer functions.", 0x03F9 => "Duotone transfer functions.", 0x03FA => "Duotone image information.", 0x03FB => "Effective black and white values for the dot range.", 0x03FC => "Obsolete Resource.", 0x03FD => "EPS options.", 0x03FE => "Quick Mask information. Quick Mask channel ID, Mask initially empty.", 0x03FF => "Obsolete Resource.", 0x0400 => "Layer state information. Index of target layer.", 0x0401 => "Working path (not saved).", 0x0402 => "Layers group information. Group ID for the dragging groups. Layers in a group have the same group ID.", 0x0403 => "Obsolete Resource.", 0x0404 => "IPTC-NAA record. This contains the File Info... information. See the IIMV4.pdf document.", 0x0405 => "Image mode for raw format files.", 0x0406 => "JPEG quality. Private.", 0x0408 => "Grid and guides information.", 0x0409 => "Thumbnail resource.", 0x040A => "Copyright flag. Boolean indicating whether image is copyrighted. Can be set via Property suite or by user in File Info...", 0x040B => "URL. Handle of a text string with uniform resource locator. Can be set via Property suite or by user in File Info...", 0x040C => "Thumbnail resource.", 0x040D => "Global Angle. Global lighting angle for effects layer.", 0x040E => "Color samplers resource.", 0x040F => "ICC Profile. The raw bytes of an ICC format profile, see the ICC34.pdf and ICC34.h files from the Internation Color Consortium.", 0x0410 => "Watermark.", 0x0411 => "ICC Untagged. Disables any assumed profile handling when opening the file. 1 = intentionally untagged.", 0x0412 => "Effects visible. Show/hide all the effects layer.", 0x0413 => "Spot Halftone. Version, length, variable length data.", 0x0414 => "Document specific IDs for layer identification", 0x0415 => "Unicode Alpha Names. Length and the string", 0x0416 => "Indexed Color Table Count. Number of colors in table that are actually defined", 0x0417 => "Transparent Index. Index of transparent color, if any.", 0x0419 => "Global Altitude.", 0x041A => "Slices.", 0x041B => "Workflow URL. Length, string.", 0x041C => "Jump To XPEP. Major version, Minor version, Count. Table which can include: Dirty flag, Mod date.", 0x041D => "Alpha Identifiers.", 0x041E => "URL List. Count of URLs, IDs, and strings", 0x0421 => "Version Info. Version, HasRealMergedData, string of writer name, string of reader name, file version.", 0x0BB7 => "Name of clipping path.", 0x2710 => "Print flags information. Version, Center crop marks, Bleed width value, Bleed width scale." ); /****************************************************************************** * End of Global Variable: Photoshop_ID_Descriptions ******************************************************************************/ ?> Innocent ArtPop:: Innocent ArtPop
Innocent ArtPop

Innocent are back!

Um den unvergleichlichen "Innocent-Sound" neu aufleben zu lassen, gab es am 9.5.2014 in der  Soulveranda ein Konzert und diesmal wieder in der Originalbesetzung wie vor ca. 25 Jahren.


Nach wie vor wird "Art-Pop" zubereitet; Eigenkompositionen, die den Bogen von Balladen über Funk und Rock bis hin zu epischen Tonmalereien spannen, wobei Melodien und Harmonien im gitarrelastigen Umfeld im Vordergrund stehen.


Bei diesem Konzert hatten wir beschlossen, die Arrangements der 80er-Jahre zu verwenden (legendäre "Tunnel"-Konzerte).




 Web-Mail (Open-Xchange Server)

 Web-Mail (Roundcube)

zuletzt aktualisiert:  20:28 19/06 2015